Arizona Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Arizona Bicycle Accident Lawyer
When a motor vehicle strikes a bicycle rider, the risk of serious injury is immense. In fact, it’s not always a given that the rider will escape the accident with their life. Damages from such collisions are often expensive, as riders are often disabled, in immense pain, requiring extensive medical care, and unable to work. Let our firm fight for the compensation you deserve.
Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820 for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will explain everything you need to know about working with an Arizona bicycle accident lawyer. You don’t have to hire a lawyer after the call, so there is no risk in speaking with our team.
We Know Why Bike Accidents Happen in Arizona (We’ve Seen Far Too Many)
Your lawyer will need to determine and prove why your bicycle accident happened. It’s important, then, that our attorneys are already familiar with many of the common causes of bike accidents, including:
- Impaired (and otherwise unfit) motorists: Bike riders can be difficult to see. If a motorist is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, tired, visually impaired, or unfit to drive for any other reason, they may be less likely to see and avoid a rider. Impaired motorists may also lack total control of their vehicles or the ability to make rational decisions.
- Distracted motorists: Because bike riders are often on the road but difficult to see, distracted motorists pose a clear hazard. A motorist who is looking at their phone, engrossed in conversation, or engaged in other distracting behavior may not see a rider until it’s too late to avoid hitting them.
- Careless drivers: Drivers who speed, pass in a dangerous manner, tailgate, race, and engage in other careless behavior run many risks, including the risk they will hit and injure a bike rider.
- Dangerous roads and intersections: Roadways and intersections can be hazardous in their own right. For example, if an intersection does not have bright lighting or signals alerting riders when it is safe to cross, this likely increases the likelihood of an accident.
- Defective bikes and vehicles: Defective bikes and motor vehicles can be the primary cause of accidents. If defective equipment contributed to your accident, we will determine whether the defect resulted from design flaws, assembly errors, owner neglect, or other causes.
We have seen many bicycle accidents over the many years’ we’ve represented victims of such collisions. There are many possible causes, and we will identify and document the precise reason why your accident happened.
Who Pays for the Cost of a Bicycle Accident?
This is one of several important questions we will answer for you. Who must pay for your accident-related damages will depend on several things, including:
- Who caused the collision
- Whether the party who caused the collision has insurance (uninsured motorists are a significant problem in Arizona)
- Whether you decide to sue one or more liable parties
- How we resolve your case (including whether we settle or go to trial)
We will have a long list of responsibilities to complete. Determining who is financially responsible for your accident-related damages is undoubtedly on that list.
Call us today at tel:(602) 560-5820 to speak with one of our Arizona Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Why It May Be Worth Hiring an Arizona Bicycle Accident Attorney
Every biker hit by a motor vehicle (or injured in other ways) must decide whether they want to hire a lawyer. Before making a sound decision, you must understand what a lawyer and their firm offers.
You may choose to hire an Arizona bicycle accident lawyer because:
- You aren’t in shape to handle your own case: Being hit by a motor vehicle can leave you seriously injured, sore, traumatized, and unable to handle the demands your case will require. There is no shame in admitting you need help, even if you feel confident handling insurance matters under other circumstances.
- Your inexperience concerns you: Many bike accident survivors have little to no experience being in such accidents. This means they lack experience with claims and lawsuits resulting from bicycle accidents. This inexperience can be harmful for several reasons.
- A lawyer’s experience gives you confidence in them: You may not have experience with bike accident cases, but our lawyers do. While your own inexperience may feel like a weakness, our experience may be a strength. We hope you will allow us to use our experience in your favor.
- A law firm’s financial support has value to you: Our firm will give you much-needed support. We cover expert fees. We pay administrative costs and court fees. Of course, we put our time and effort into your case. Money may be tight after your accident, and our firm’s financial support may be priceless.
- You don’t want to fight for fair compensation alone: Nobody wants to feel like they are on their own. While your lawyer and the rest of our firm will provide many important services and benefits, having us on your side is valuable in its own right.
Bicycle accidents are unfamiliar to most victims. Allow an Arizona bike accident attorney from Big Chad Law to fight for you. We aim to make sense of a stressful time in your life, and we will take the entirety of your case off your hands.
Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820 and complete your free consultation as soon as possible. Arizona law generally requires us to beat filing deadlines for personal injury cases, which is one of many reasons to contact our team as soon as you can.
The Benefits of Choosing Big Chad Law as Your Legal Team in Arizona
We may be biased due to our pride and confidence in our firm, but we believe Big Chad Law is well-suited to represent you in your bike accident case. We feel this way because:
We Have Multiple Locations in Arizona
Big Chad Law has opened offices across the state, including in:
- Phoenix
- Mesa
- Kingman
- Chandler
These locations allow us a far reach, and we can serve bike accident victims in many communities throughout the state. If you are not in one of these four cities, call us to find out whether we can lead your case.
Our Resources Are Solely Focused on Arizona
Attorney Chad Schaub is a native Arizonan. It was only natural that he opened his law firm in his home state. Our decision to focus solely on cases in Arizona is strategic, though, because we:
- Believe there are more than enough clients in Arizona who need our help, and that includes bicycle accident survivors
- Know that when your focus is limited, you can better remain on top of your game
- Never want to spread our attention or resources thin (which can happen when law firms try to serve several different states)
- Are always knowledgeable about Arizona laws, insurance rules, and civil proceedings, which are subject to change
Attorney Schaub and the rest of our team members care about Arizona. We are laser-focused on helping our fellow Arizonans and others harmed in our state, and this focus shows through the quality of our work.
We Don’t Just Pay Lip Service to Your Satisfaction—We Truly Consider Our Clients as Family
Some law firms say they care for their clients, but their actions don’t measure up to their words. This is not the case at Big Chad Law. Serving clients is what we do, and we are just as proud of satisfied clients as we are of large financial recoveries.
Delivering compensation to a client does not always mean a job well done. We want clients to be completely and totally satisfied with our representation, so we:
- Listen to clients before giving our advice or feedback
- Try to put ourselves in the client’s shoes, leaning into our empathetic instincts
- Frequently reach out to clients so they are never wondering where their case stands
- Make ourselves available so clients can reach us anytime
There is nothing fun about bicycle accidents. Your case shouldn’t be a reason for dread, though. We will comfort you, reassure you, and fight for you in a manner that instills confidence.
We Fight for Justice for Bicycle Accidents, Whether by Settlement or Trial
The average person has little clue about lawsuits. This can make it very difficult for a bike accident survivor to file a lawsuit. Without this ability, you may have little leverage when dealing with insurers.
When you hire Big Chad Law, you hire a team that has completed its fair share of lawsuits. We can negotiate aggressively with insurers because we know filing a lawsuit is an option. We can even take your case to trial if we decide it’s the right strategy to pursue.
Our Attorneys Are Urgent (We Know You Want to Move Forward)
Everything about your bicycle accident is unfortunate. We know you’d rather not be dealing with medical bills, physical pain, and any insurance claims and lawsuits that result from the collision.
We want you to move on as soon as possible, and in the best position your case allows, so we will:
- Immediately start working on your case
- Avoid all preventable delays
- Insist that insurance companies resolve your claims as quickly as possible
- Contact you immediately when you need to make case-related decisions
We are decisive and confident attorneys. Trust us to fight for you and resolve your case as soon as possible.
A Comprehensive Guide to Bicycle Accident Cases
Every case follows its own unique path, and there are twists and turns that we cannot predict. Our attorneys are quick on their feet, so we can handle these unpredictable challenges in stride.
There are steps in your case that we can confidently predict, though, and they include:
The Investigation of Your Bicycle Accident
Our investigation of your bike accident in Arizona will:
- Help us determine who is at fault for the collision
- Lead us to liable parties
- Enable us to collect evidence to use in settlement negotiations (and possibly other stages of your case)
Your Arizona bike accident attorney may interview witnesses, secure video, and obtain several other types of evidence that prove critical to your case.
Documentation of Your Damages
Big Chad Law has worked with many doctors, mental health professionals, and other experts across many cases. Often, these experts help us document injuries, mental health problems, and other damages resulting from serious accidents.
We may take several other steps to document your accident-related damages, from getting copies of medical records to pulling financial statements.
Calculation of Your Case Value
We must assign a specific value to your case. This is a critical step because it allows us to determine if settlement offers are fair and whether we need to file a lawsuit or go to trial in pursuit of fair compensation.
A Lawsuit and Trial (Which May Not Be Necessary)
We may be able to resolve your case with a financial settlement, as is often the case with civil cases. However, we will be just as prepared to file a lawsuit and go to trial on your behalf.
Recoverable Damages We Often See (and Seek Money For) in Bicycle Accident Cases
Clients come to us for a common reason for a motorcycle accident. They’ve been harmed, and they want us to obtain compensation that covers the losses they’ve suffered. We expect the same from you.
We are up to the task, and we will need to determine if you’ve suffered:
- Medical costs
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning power
- Property costs
- Pain and suffering
- Mental health treatment costs
- Any other economic or non-economic damages
We have seen bike accidents cost lives and result in permanent disability. Our team is ready to seek justice for any harm you’re faced with.
Call Big Chad Law Today for Your Free Consultation About an Arizona Bicycle Accident Lawyer
We cannot emphasize the importance of hiring your Arizona personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Much can go wrong in the time that you’re without an attorney, and your case may be weaker if we do not secure all relevant evidence right away.
Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820. Your free consultation awaits. It’s a no-stress call, so there’s no reason for delay.
Big Chad Law Injury & Accident Lawyers – Phoenix Office
Address: 1610 W McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 560-5820.
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