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Arizona Auto Injury Attorneys

Top Arizona Car Accident Injury Lawyers

Being injured in an auto accident can change your life in a moment. In addition to the shock and emotion of the accident, it can be overwhelming to deal with all of the unexpected decisions you face after an injury. Figuring out what to do next and what options you have after being unexpectedly injured can be extremely stressful, and many people are unsure of how to get the help they need. At Bighorn Law of Arizona, our auto accident attorneys will guide you through the legal process and protect your rights so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Our team of experienced Arizona car accident injury lawyers understand that going through a painful and serious injury can be a difficult and financially straining experience. We want you to know that we will always be in your corner so you don’t have to go through this process alone. Our attorneys have decades of experience successfully recovering compensation for accident injury victims, so while we take on the responsible party’s insurance company in court and fight to get the compensation you deserve, you can put your energy towards recovering from your injuries and getting back to normal.


What Damages Can I Recover?

Accident injury victims can seek compensation for different types of damages in Arizona. Economic damages cover medical bills, lost wages, loss of future income, and property damage.

Badge of American Institute of Trial Lawyers 2023. This award was received by Big Chad Law.

Noneconomic damages include monetory damages for injuries sustained, pain and suffering for emotional and psychological anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Arizona law requires that personal injury victims file a claim within two years after an accident occurs or when a hidden injury was first discovered.

Beyond Medical Bills

Medical Expenses

Non-Economic Damages

Pain and Suffering

Economic Damages

Lost Wages

Punitive Damages

Property Damage

Call us today at (602) 553-0000 to speak with one of our Arizona Auto Accident Lawyers

Determining Responsibility

Personal-Injury-Lawyers - Big Chad Law

Proving Who's At Fault

Determining who is at fault in an accident is sometimes difficult, especially with Arizona’s comparitive negligence laws. The accident injury attorneys at Big Chad Law will investigate the incident in great detail to gather information and the necessary evidence to help build your case and help determine fault.

Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions our personal injury attorneys receive from new and prospective clients.

What Makes Big Chad Law Different?

The personal injury attorneys at Big Chad Law have fought to protect the rights of personal injury victims and get them compensation for their injuries for decades. Our attorneys believe everyone is entitled to quality representation and focus our practice on helping normal, everyday people get the help they need and deserve.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer ?

Badge of America's Best Advocates Top Law Firm Personal Injury 2023. This award was received by Big Chad Law.

Suffering any type of personal injury is just the beginning of any injury victims problems. Trying to file an insurance claim alone can be extremely complicated, especially when dealing with defendant insurance company attorneys who may dispute fault. Having an experienced attorney by your side to protect your rights can make the difference in the outcome of your claim.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer ?

The personal injury attorneys at Big Chad Law work on a contingency fee basis. That means that we don’t charge any upfront fees to take your case, and you only pay us if we win. If we win your case our fee is a percentage of the settlement or verdict amount that our personal injury lawyers obtain.

How Long Do I Have To File a Personal Injury Claim?

Attorney and Practice Magazine badge - Personal Injury Firm - 2023. This award was received by Big Chad Law.Arizona law requires that accident and personal injury victims file a claim within two years after the accident occured or when an unknown injury was first discovered. This is also known as the statute of limitations. If you try to file a claim after this two-year limit has expired, your claim will be deemed invalid and will be denied.

Big Chad Law – Phoenix Office

Address: 1610 W McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Phone: (602) 553-0000

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