You can’t afford a half-hearted effort regarding your criminal defense. Instead, trust a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer who has the legal training, experience, skill, and staff that a case as serious as yours demands. It does not matter whether you consider your charge especially serious—the cost of even a seemingly minor conviction is more than you should be willing to tolerate.
Attorney Chad Schaub and his team have helped many clients overcome daunting legal circumstances. Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820 for your consultation about how a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer from our firm will serve you.
Criminal Defense Case Types We Handle at Big Chad Law
We don’t take criminal defense lightly. We know that reputations, financial security, livelihoods, relationships, and even freedom are often on the line in criminal cases, so we only offer our defense in cases we are well-versed in.
Our Phoenix criminal defense lawyers represent clients in Phoenix facing allegations of:
- Drunk driving (also referred to as DWI or DUI
- Fraud
- Theft crimes
- Sex crimes
- Assault and other violent crimes
- Domestic violence
- Homicide
- Drug crimes
- Burglary and other property offenses
- Digital crimes (including computer-related offenses)
- Federal offenses
- Probation violations
- Juvenile offenses
- Extradition issues
- Forfeiture issues
We also help those seeking to vacate past convictions. If you face a legal problem that is not listed here, please contact us. Criminal matters are nuanced, and so are our services. We can assist, and there is no cost or risk in contacting our team.
When You Need a Capable Defense, Big Chad Is the Attorney to Trust
There is no greater commodity between a client and a lawyer than trust. This is particularly true in criminal cases, where a conviction can cause irreparable harm to the defendant. Big Chad Law is a firm you can trust with your critically important case because:
We’re No Strangers to Criminal Defense
The last thing you need when facing criminal charges is an inexperienced attorney. You don’t want an attorney who is learning on the job. Attorney Chad Schaub and his team have extensive experience in criminal defense, and you should settle for nothing less than such experienced legal counsel.
We Make the Necessary Investments to Create Strong Defenses
We owe it to our clients to craft the strongest defense we can.
Our firm makes all the investments that may tilt the scales of justice in our client’s favor, which may include:
- Taking cases to trial (rather than settling) when it’s the right strategy for our client
- Hiring one or more experts to testify on the client’s behalf
- Reconstructing events related to our client’s case
- Going the extra mile in our investigation, as the slightest hint of favorable evidence is worth pursuing
Our firm leverages our network of experts as we create our defenses. Let us support you during this critically important stage in your life.
Our Entire Team Will Have Your Back
Your Phoenix criminal defense lawyer from Big Chad Law will handle the legal work, including the most critical steps in your case. They’re responsible, and you can count on them.
Big Chad Law also employs and collaborates with other competent legal professionals and industry experts.
You will have an entire team working towards the best possible outcome, and that team may include:
- Your attorney
- Other attorneys whose insights and efforts may benefit your case
- Paralegals
- Case managers
- Experts hired by Big Chad Law
One reason our firm is so valuable is the robust team working on your defense. The power of numbers applies to criminal defense, so we harness that power for clients like you.
Attorney Chad Schaub and His Team Have Genuine Care for Arizonans
Attorney Chad Schaub is a sixth-generation Arizonan. We believe that these deep roots in the state matter. We care about Arizona more than most, and we have an ingrained, heartfelt duty to protect the rights of our fellow Arizonans (and anyone else who faces legal trouble in Phoenix).
We’re in Phoenix
Our firm has an office on West McDowell Road in Phoenix.
- We have handled many cases in Phoenix’s criminal justice system.
- We have a network of qualified professionals in and near Phoenix who may be helpful in your case.
- Our attorneys and staff feel a strong connection to Phoenix—where we live and work—and this genuine care shines through our representation.
Having a close relationship with your attorney is critically important in criminal cases. Whenever you want an in-person meeting, we’re not far away. Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820 for your consultation about a Phoenix criminal defense attorney.
Our Familiarity with Phoenix’s Criminal Justice System Can Only Help You
Hire an attorney who has handled many cases in Phoenix’s justice system because:
- We may be familiar with the judge and prosecutor overseeing your case
- We may understand the reputations, tendencies, and tactics often used by parties involved in your case
- We know experts who can realistically testify in your case, even if they need to do so in person
Familiarity can be beneficial in many aspects of a criminal defense. Not only is our firm highly competent, but our familiarity with the courts of Phoenix will help your case.
We Know Your Rights, and We Will Protect Them
Clients’ rights are an important focus of Arizona’s Criminal Code, and your rights are a focus we will never lose sight of. Your Phoenix criminal defense lawyer from Big Chad Law will ensure nobody, whether it’s a judge, prosecutor, or other party, violates your rights in any way.
Some of the rights that you’re entitled to in a criminal case include:
- The right to the presumption of innocence
- The right to a speedy and public trial
- The right not to have unlawfully secured evidence used against you
- The right to an impartial jury
- The right to subpoena witnesses to testify at trial
- The right to competent legal counsel
This is our own, but at Big Chad Law, we believe you have a right to a legal team that will fight for you like you were our family member. Our clients’ legal problems become our legal problems. You’ll never doubt that our team cares about you on a level that transcends the standard lawyer-client relationship.
Criminal Penalties the State of Arizona May Impose on You
You don’t need to know every detail. About Arizona’s Sentencing Provisions. We’ve learned them for you.
What you should know, though, is that criminal proceedings can lead to:
- Fines:At a time when many people are struggling financially, a significant criminal fine can be a substantial burden. Even paying a fine can look like a sign of guilt, so you want to avoid this penalty whenever possible.
- Conditional freedom: Parole, probation, and other forms of conditional freedom can be alternatives to more serious penalties, but these conditions may be avoidable in some cases (with an effective legal defense).
- Jail time: Many criminal offenses in Arizona carry potential jail time, including certain misdemeanor offenses. Jail time can disrupt your life, and it’s a penalty we will fight hard to spare you from.
- Prison time: Typically reserved for those convicted of felony offenses, prison is a potential penalty that anyone should take extremely seriously, even if they’re previously imprisoned.
- Capital punishment: Big Chad Law stands tall for clients facing offenses of all degrees, including the most serious offenses one can be accused of.
- Criminal records that carry lasting effects: You don’t want to carry any blemish on your criminal record. Life can get significantly more difficult after any conviction, so our team will fight to spare you from one.
While potential legal penalties are important and possibly at the front of your mind, those aren’t the only problems defendants face after a conviction.
The Weight of a Criminal Conviction Ranges Far Beyond the Legal Penalties
The court’s legal penalties on a defendant are often the most immediate consequence of a conviction. Naturally, these penalties command the client’s attention. However, formal legal sanctions are hardly the only type of harm that can result if you’re convicted of a crime in Phoenix.
Some other harsh realities you might face after a criminal conviction include:
- Professional harm (which translates to financial insecurity):Employers don’t typically view a criminal record favorably, even if you’ve already proven yourself a valuable employee. You may not only lose a current job if you’re convicted but may struggle to find well-paying, gratifying work in the future.
- Difficulty finding a place to live: Landlords can also hold a criminal conviction against you. This is one of the many secondary consequences we will work hard to spare you from.
- Challenges in your interpersonal relationships: The reputational damage, financial strain, and other complications of a criminal conviction can take a toll on your relationships. It may hurt romantic, friendships, work, and familial relationships.
- Mental health challenges: Those who suffer the effects of a criminal conviction typically struggle psychologically and emotionally. We have seen this firsthand.
There is no way to tell exactly how a criminal conviction might take a toll on your life, but it sure will. Your best option is to allow an experienced Phoenix criminal defense attorney to protect you now through a robust, diligent defense.
How Attorney Chad Schaub and His Team Will Protect You in Your Time of Peril
We tailor our legal services to each defendant we represent. We believe this is the only way to craft an effective defense. That said, some of the duties we most often handle in cases like yours are:
Evaluating the Circumstances of Your Arrest
We will determine:
- The circumstances that led to you being arrested
- The specific charges that prompted your arrest
- The manner in which law enforcement officers detained and arrested you
- Whether there was any misconduct or errors that call the charges or arrest into question
Our Phoenix defense lawyers seek every edge for our clients, and that starts with the events that unfolded before their arrest.
Seeking Exculpatory Evidence
You have a right to be aware of any evidence that suggests your innocence, which we call exculpatory evidence. We will urgently seek any such evidence, as the discovery of exculpatory evidence can immediately swing your case in our favor. It may even end the case altogether.
Protecting Your Rights
Violations of defendants’ rights are a notorious problem that Phoenix courts are not exempt from. Hiring Big Chad Law means your rights are safe. Only your case’s merits and our defense’s strength will determine the outcome.
Exploring Plea Options (If This Is a Route You’ll Consider)
Plea agreements are a suitable resolution for many clients, and we will:
- Speak with you about the possibility of a plea (once we have reviewed the facts of your case and all relevant materials, such as evidence and witness testimony)
- Negotiate for the best possible plea agreement on your behalf if it’s an option you’re willing to consider
- Evaluate any deals offered by the prosecutor, helping you decide if the deal is worth accepting
We advise our clients, but we know your future is at stake. We will never pressure you to pursue a certain outcome, and we vow to fight for you regardless of which path you choose to pursue—including if you want us to defend you in a Phoenix court.
Call Big Chad Law Today for Your Consultation About Hiring a Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer
Capable criminal defense is priceless. Our firm’s name commands respect in Phoenix, and we pride ourselves on getting the best possible outcomes from challenging legal circumstances.
Call Big Chad Law today at (602) 560-5820 for your consultation. Hiring a Phoenix personal injury attorney is an urgent priority, so don’t wait to call.
Big Chad Law Injury & Accident Lawyers – Phoenix Office
Address: 1610 W McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 553-0000
Our Criminal Defense Practice Areas
Call us today at (602) 553-0000 to speak with one of our Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyers
Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Defense
When you are accused of any type of crime, your chances of successfully defending yourself against those charges usually depends on the skill of the criminal defense attorney you hire. Listed below are some of the most common questions we receive from prospective clients:
Should I Talk With The Police?
In almost every instance, it is in your best interests to not answer any questions or speak with the police when you are under investigation or being accused of a crime. Instead you should immediately request to speak with an attorney. Your attorney can talk to the police for you, relay any exculpitory evidence for you while protecting your legal rights.
What Evidence Do The Police Need to Arrest Me?
The police must have probable cause or reasonable suspicion that you have commited a crime to arrest you. When the police believe that cause exists, they may then place you into custody at that time. In some instances the police can also choose to submit charging information to the city or county attorneys office for their review of the information to make a charging decision.
What Does Being Arraigned Mean?
When you are charged with a crime your initial court appearance is called an arraignment. At that time you are advised of the charges against you, and the judge will set your release conditions. It is important to have an experienced attorney with you at your arraigment that can receive and review the police reports and argue for favorable release conditions for you.
What is a Preliminary Hearing?
When you are charged with a felony, your first court date after the initial appearance is usually a preliminary hearing. This hearing establishes whether probable cause exists that a crime has been committed, and if the case should move forward. In Arizona, many courts will set a status conference prior to a preliminary hearing to review the pending charges and schedule any potential witness testimony at the preliminary hearing.
What Follows the Preliminary Hearing?
If the court determines that there is sufficient evidence to establish that you have committed a crime, the case will move forward to the trial court and a pretrial conference will be scheduled. Prior to moving the case forward to the trial court, your attorney can also negotiate with the state’s attorney towards a plea agreement to resolve the charges.
What Happens at a Pretrial Conference?
A pretrial conference is designed for your attorney to meet with the prosecutor to discuss a plea agreement, or in instances when no agreement can be reached, prepare for trial by arguing pretrial motions to the court, such as motions to suppress or exclude evidence. In cases that your attorney believes there is a lack of evidence, they can file a motion to dismiss the case. In cases where no plea agreement is reached, the case is then set for trial.
What Happens at a Trial?
When no plea agreement is reached in a case, a trial date is set. In some misdemeanor cases no jury will be selected, and the case will be presented to the judge. In felony cases, a jury is selected, and the trial begins. Each party then makes an opening statement, and the state will present its evidence, including witness testimony, at which time your defense attorney can cross examination the witnesses. When the prosecution is done presenting their case, your defense attorney is then able to present evidence on your behalf. After the defense completes their portion of the case, each side gives a closing statement, and the case is then given to the jury to deliberate and return a verdict.
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