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Metal crunches. Glass shatters. Time slows. In seconds, your day transforms from routine to chaos.

Car accidents jolt us out of the ordinary, leaving even the most level-headed individuals shaken and unsure. But these critical moments and the following hours significantly impact your physical recovery, financial stability, and legal rights.

At Big Chad Law, we’ve guided countless Arizona residents through the aftermath of collisions. As experienced car accident lawyers, we have distilled our expertise into actionable steps, empowering you to navigate this challenging situation confidently.

From immediate safety measures to protecting your long-term interests, our team of car accident lawyers will walk you through the essential actions to take after a car accident. Let’s turn uncertainty into informed action.

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Local Roots, Giant Presence

At Big Chad Law, we’re not just attorneys – we’re your neighbors, deeply rooted in Arizona’s rich history. Our co-founder, Chad Schaub, known affectionately as “Guero Gigante,” stands tall (quite literally at 6’7”) as a sixth-generation Arizonan. 

This deep connection to our state fuels our passion for serving our community.

Experience That Counts

Chad’s journey to becoming a powerhouse in personal injury law is as unique as it is impressive:

  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Arizona State University (2005)
  • Successfully launched multiple businesses, including an insurance agency
  • Earned his Juris Doctor from Summit School of Law (2012)
  • Licensed to practice law in Arizona

Insider Knowledge, Outsized Results

Before donning the lawyer’s robe, Chad mastered the insurance industry from the inside. This rare perspective allows us to:

  • Navigate the complex claims process with insider expertise
  • Employ proven techniques to maximize payouts for our clients
  • Stay one step ahead of insurance company tactics

Family First, Always

Chad’s commitment to family –a proud husband and father of five – extends to how we treat our clients. At Big Chad Law, you’re not just a case number but part of our extended family.

Bilingual Advocacy

We serve our diverse Arizona community in English and Spanish.

Commitment to Excellence

Our track record speaks for itself:

  • High client satisfaction ratings
  • A reputation for relentless advocacy
  • No limits on the effort we’ll expend for our clients

Direct Access

When you need us, we’re here. Call Chad directly at (602) 552-0000.

Choose Big Chad Law for representation that’s as big as our commitment to your personal injury case and as personal as our Arizona roots.

Common Causes of Car Wrecks

common causes of car wrecks, including distracted driving, speeding, impaired driving, and poor weather conditions

Drivers face various hazards on the roads. If you know what can happen, you can better avoid it. 

Here are the most common accident causes:

  • Distracted driving: Cell phone use, talking to passengers, eating, or anything that diverts attention from the road.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed cuts reaction time and increases crash severity.
  • Impaired driving: Alcohol, drugs, and some medications impair judgment and reflexes.
  • Aggressive driving: Tailgating, frequent lane changes, and ignoring traffic signals endanger everyone on the road.
  • Fatigue: Drowsy driving cuts reaction times and impairs decision-making.
  • Red light running: Intersections are danger zones when drivers disregard traffic signals.
  • Poor weather conditions: Rain, dust storms, and sun glare create difficult driving conditions.
  • Vehicle malfunctions: Tire blowouts, brake failures, or other mechanical issues lead to loss of control.
  • Road construction: Unexpected detours, debris, and equipment create dangers.
  • Inexperienced drivers: New drivers may struggle with complex traffic situations or panic in emergencies.

If someone’s negligence caused an accident that hurt you, seek legal help to protect your rights and explore your options for compensation.

Types of Car Crash Injuries

Car crashes inflict a range of injuries from minor to life-shattering:

  • Whiplash: Sudden jerking motions strain neck muscles and ligaments, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Broken bones: The impact fractures bones, often requiring surgery and lengthy recovery.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: Violent jolts or blows to the head damage brain tissue, potentially causing long-term cognitive issues.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Damage to the spine leads to paralysis, dramatically altering victims’ lives.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Crashes bruise muscles, tendons, and ligaments, causing pain and limiting mobility.
  • Internal injuries: Blunt force trauma ruptures organs or causes internal bleeding, necessitating immediate medical attention.
  • Burns: Contact with hot surfaces during a crash inflicts painful burns and scarring.
  • Psychological trauma: Many survivors experience anxiety, depression, or PTSD, affecting their lives long after physical wounds heal.
  • Facial injuries: Broken glass and bouncing off of the steering wheel causes cuts, bruises, or fractures to the face.
  • Knee injuries: Dashboard impacts damage knees, potentially requiring extensive rehabilitation or surgery.

Each injury type presents unique challenges and requires different legal approaches. Understanding your injuries helps us build a stronger case for your compensation.

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Navigating Compensation After an Arizona Auto Accident

Steps to navigate compensation after an Arizona auto accident, covering medical bills, lost wages, and damages.

Beyond physical recovery, you’re likely facing financial strain and emotional distress in the aftermath of a car wreck. Arizona law recognizes these multifaceted impacts and provides avenues for survivors to seek fair compensation. 

Let’s explore what this means for you.

The Scope of Recoverable Damages

When we talk about compensation, we’re considering both the tangible and intangible costs of your accident. On the tangible side, consider your medical bills—from the initial emergency room visit to ongoing treatments and potential future care. 

If you miss work due to your injuries, those lost wages are part of the equation too. 

For some, injuries might impact their ability to earn in the future, and the law considers this. Don’t forget about your vehicle and any other personal property damaged in the accident; these repair or replacement costs are also considered.

But compensation isn’t just about the bills you can easily add up. The law recognizes that accidents take a toll that goes beyond the financial. The physical pain you’ve endured, the emotional distress of the accident and recovery process, and the way your injuries might have changed your day-to-day life—these all have value. 

If your injuries have affected your relationships or your ability to enjoy life as you did before, this, too, can be part of your compensation.

In rare cases where the other party’s actions were particularly reckless or intentional, the court might consider punitive damages. These don’t compensate you directly but punish the wrongdoer and dissuade similar behavior.

Factors Shaping Your Compensation

The amount of compensation you might receive isn’t set in stone. It’s based on the severity of your injuries and their long-term impact on your life. 

Arizona follows a comparative negligence rule, which means if you’re partially at fault for the accident, it affects your compensation.

Time is also a critical factor in your case. In Arizona, you generally have two years from the accident date to file a personal injury claim. This might sound like a long time, but it can pass quickly when dealing with recovery and getting your life back on track. For some injuries that aren’t immediately apparent, the clock starts ticking when you discover or reasonably should have discovered it.

Maximizing Your Recovery

There are several steps you can take to ensure you receive fair compensation. First, seek medical attention immediately and follow through with all recommended treatments. This is crucial not only for your health but also for documenting the extent of your injuries.

Keep meticulous records of everything related to your accident and injuries, including medical visits, treatments, medications, lost work time, and any other ways the accident has impacted your life. 

Never discuss your accident or injuries on social media, as insurance companies will use these posts against you.

Be wary of early settlement offers from insurance companies. While it might be tempting to resolve things quickly, these offers often don’t fully account for the long-term impacts of your injuries. 

This is where having an experienced auto accident attorney is invaluable. They help you understand the true value of your claim and advocate on your behalf to ensure you’re not left shortchanged.

Remember, insurance companies are businesses first; their primary goal is to minimize payouts. An attorney with experience in auto accidents levels the playing field, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the aftermath of an auto accident is hard, but understanding your right to compensation is a huge step toward recovery and justice. 


What steps should I take immediately after an accident?

Your safety comes first. If possible, move to a safe area and check for injuries. Call 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance if needed.

Exchange information with the other driver, but avoid discussing fault. Document the scene by taking photos and gathering witness contact information. 

Even if you feel fine, see a doctor soon after the accident – some injuries aren’t immediately apparent.

How long do I have to file a claim in Arizona?

In Arizona, you generally have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim. Missing this deadline, known as the statute of limitations, could mean losing your right to seek compensation. 

However, every case is unique, so consult an attorney as soon as possible to understand how this applies to your situation.

What if the other driver is uninsured?

If an uninsured driver hits you, you may still have options. Check if your policy includes uninsured motorist coverage. This can cover your medical expenses and other losses. 

You might also be able to file a lawsuit directly against the uninsured driver, though collecting damages can be challenging. An experienced attorney can help you explore all available avenues for compensation.

Should I talk to the other driver’s insurance company?

It’s best to be cautious when communicating with the other driver’s insurance company. They may try to get you to admit fault or downplay your injuries. 

Let your attorney handle these communications. If you must speak with them, stick to basic facts and avoid discussing fault or the extent of your injuries.

How is fault determined in Arizona car accidents?

Arizona follows a pure comparative negligence rule. This means that different parties can share fault, and your percentage of fault may reduce your compensation. 

Police reports, witness statements, and physical evidence from the accident scene determine fault.

What types of compensation can I seek after a car accident?

You may recover compensation, including:

– Medical expenses (current and future)
– Lost wages and loss of earning capacity
– Property damage
– Pain and suffering
– Emotional distress
– Loss of enjoyment of life
– The specific damages you can claim depend on the details of your case. An experienced attorney can help you understand and pursue all the compensation you’re entitled to.

Do I really need a lawyer for my car accident case?

While not legally required, having an attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your case. A skilled lawyer can:

– Properly value your claim
– Handle complex negotiations with insurance companies
– Ensure all deadlines are met
– Gather and present evidence effectively
– Represent you in court if necessary

Insurance companies have teams of lawyers protecting their interests. Having a legal advocate levels the playing field, leading to better outcomes.

Remember, every accident is unique. These answers provide general guidance, but consult a qualified car accident attorney for advice tailored to your situation. 

At Big Chad Law, we’re here to help you navigate these challenging times and fight for the compensation you deserve.

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers – and a track record of success.

Big Chad Law: Standing Tall for Arizona’s Injured

Your rights matter. Your recovery matters. Your future matters.

Let’s talk about how we can fight for what you deserve.

Call (602) 553-0000 Now for Your Free Consultation

Day or night, we’re here to listen and ready to act. Remember: The insurance companies have their lawyers. Shouldn’t you have Big Chad, your trusted personal injury attorney, on your side?

One call to our experienced personal injury attorneys could be the difference between settling and succeeding.

Because Your Case is Too Big to Ignore.

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