Hire your Chandler truck accident lawyer as soon as you can after the collision. There are circumstances that may prevent you from hiring a lawyer—a stint in the emergency room, for example—but you should find a qualified attorney as soon as possible.
Your attorney will seek out evidence of fault. If you wait to hire them, your lawyer may be unable to gather some time-sensitive (and potentially valuable) forms of evidence, like witness statements. You may also have a limited amount of time to file any necessary lawsuit, which is another reason to choose your lawyer sooner rather than later.
Evidence, Deadlines, and Threats to Your Case—All Good Reasons to Hire Your Truck Accident Attorney Right Away
When someone suggests you should hire an attorney as soon as possible, take them seriously. They are offering this advice for several good reasons, which include:
The Fleeting Nature of Evidence
Several types of evidence can be important to your case’s success. Specifically, your lawyer will need to rely on evidence to prove who is at fault for your truck accident—whether it’s a truck driver, trucking company, or another party.
Losing even one piece of valuable evidence may diminish the odds of you securing the compensation you deserve. Yet, evidence can be:
- Erased (in the case of video footage)
- Forgotten (in the case of witness accounts)
- Destroyed
- Disposed of
- Lost
Attorneys know how fleeting evidence can be. Your truck accident lawyer will waste no time in securing evidence. However, they can’t act until you’ve hired them.
Those Who Don’t Want to See Your Case Succeed
There are a few parties that may want you to receive less money than you deserve, in most cases, because it suits them financially. This may include:
- Your auto insurance provider
- A truck driver
- A trucking company
- At-fault parties’ auto insurance providers
- Any other parties who could be financially responsible for your accident-related damages
Yes, even your own insurance company may not want to pay you the compensation you deserve. This is the harsh but true reality of accidents—everyone is, in most cases, looking out for themselves.
The Potentially High Cost of Making a Mistake
The cost of auto accidents is high. The cost of truck accidents tends to be even higher. This means that those who owe you money may owe you a significant amount of money.
Because a significant amount of money may be at stake in your case, even the slightest mistake could be expensive. Once you recognize that a lawyer can protect you from making a mistake, you can see the value in hiring them as soon as possible.
Deadlines Related to Insurance Claims and Lawsuits
You must know that:
- Insurance companies expect you to report injuries within a reasonable period of time (and your attorney will ensure they receive notice of your injuries)
- There are deadlines for filing lawsuits related to truck accidents (while these deadlines can vary based on unique circumstances, they apply to almost every accident victim)
In Arizona, for example, accident victims generally have two years to file a lawsuit. This may seem like a long time, but a lot may need to happen before you decide whether to sue. This is another reason not to delay before hiring your attorney.
Bad-Faith Tactics You May Face After the Accident (A Lawyer Will Protect You from These)
Truck accident victims are often happy to learn that trucking companies generally have insurance policies with high coverage limits. What you must know, though, is that trucking companies’ insurance companies do not just hand out money carelessly—in fact, they often fight claims aggressively.
Whether you’re seeking compensation from a trucking company’s insurer, another insurer, or another party, you may face:
- Deception: While insurance companies are legally bound to act in good faith, they can instead be deceptive. From misrepresenting the facts of policies, to asking intentionally confusing questions, to denying claims without merit, insurance companies do not always act ethically.
- Lowball offers: One of the most common and insidious tactics insurance companies use is the lowball offer. Insurance companies can quickly realize how much a claimant deserves (or, at least, the minimum amount they will deserve). This allows the insurer to offer a lesser amount, hoping the claimant will accept the lowball offer—many claimants do, in part because accident victims are often confused and financially desperate.
- Pressure: Insurance representatives may pressure you in several ways. They may insist that you give a recorded statement before you’re ready. They may pressure you to accept an unfair settlement offer. They may even suggest you should not hire a truck accident attorney.
- Several other attempts to undermine you and your claim: These are just a few of the many ways that insurance companies (and other liable parties) may act improperly. Protect yourself by hiring an attorney as soon as possible.
Truck accident lawyers know many things, and bad-faith tactics from insurers are a reality they know well. Allow a legal team to not deal with these tactics—and every other detail of your case—so you can heal as you need to.
Truck Accidents, in Particular, Can Be Challenging for Those Seeking Compensation
Hiring an attorney can be a good idea after any traffic accident. It may be an especially wise move after a truck accident because:
Trucking Companies Are Prepared for Litigation (as Are Their Insurers)

When a random motor vehicle driver causes an accident, they are typically just as surprised as the person they hit. When a truck driver causes an accident, the trucking company is ready.
Accidents are simply a fact of life in the trucking industry. This means you are not going to catch the trucking company or their insurance company off guard. They will almost certainly be ready to fight your case.
Trucking Companies Sometimes Withhold Evidence
There may be several types of evidence that benefit your case. A liable trucking company may possess several of them, including:
- Employment records
- A driver’s accident history
- Black-box data from the truck’s computer
- Video footage from the truck
If this evidence is unfavorable to the trucking company, expect the company to withhold that evidence or dispose of it. Your lawyer will act quickly to secure any relevant evidence from liable parties or elsewhere.
The Trucking Industry Has Many Unique Aspects (and a Lawyer Will Be Familiar)
Understanding trucks’ engineering, industry regulations, and the duty of care trucking companies have is not easy. Experienced truck accident lawyers are familiar with these important areas of knowledge. Years of work on behalf of truck accident victims is priceless, so take advantage of what an attorney has to offer.
Every truck accident victim has something to lose after the collision. Should you fail to secure the money you are entitled to, the result could be severe financial hardship and the strain that comes with it. Allow an experienced attorney to fight for the justice you deserve.
There Is No Out-of-Pocket Cost to Retain an Attorney, So Your Financial Situation Is Not an Issue
It’s fair to wonder why every truck accident victim does not hire a lawyer. There may be several reasons, including:
- They don’t know hiring an attorney is an option
- They think (wrongly) that insurance companies always handle claims in good faith
- They don’t think a lawsuit is necessary (again, this is often incorrect)
- They don’t understand how valuable an attorney is
- They think an attorney will cost them money
Let’s focus on that last point for a second because it’s important. Hiring a truck accident attorney will cost you absolutely nothing out of your own pocket.
The attorney and the firm will cover the cost of your case, and you won’t pay an upfront fee. If your attorney secures compensation for you, they will then receive a percentage of the money you receive. This means there is no direct financial cost in hiring a lawyer.
What You Can Expect After You Hire Your Truck Accident Lawyer
Once you retain your truck accident lawyer, expect that they will:

- Protect your case: Your lawyer’s first order of business is insulating you and your case from harm. This includes any harm insurance companies could do through their bad-faith tactics.
- Provide clear instructions: Your lawyer will give you a clear set of instructions. From what medical care to seek to how to deal with insurance companies, expect your lawyer to cover it all. Simply follow their advice and let your attorney do the rest.
- Take over all case-related duties: Your lawyer will be fully responsible for every detail of your case. This should bring a great sense of relief and help you focus more intently on recovery.
- Update you regularly: Each truck accident case takes a different amount of time. Whether yours takes a couple of weeks or much longer, expect to hear from your lawyer regularly. Active communication is one of the hallmarks of great truck accident lawyers.
- Always be available to you: If you ever want an update, an answer to a question, or just to hear your attorney’s voice, you will be free to reach out to them whenever.
In addition to providing legal services, attorneys are also in the business of customer service. If you hire a law firm with a strong reputation, expect them to show how important you and your case are to them.
How a Truck Accident Lawyer Makes Their Case
The legal aspects of your case will be your lawyer’s most important responsibility. Your attorney will make their case against a trucking company (or other liable parties) by:
Telling a Clear Story with All Available Evidence
Attorneys weave together evidence to show exactly how a truck accident occurred. The evidence your lawyer uses may include:
- Video footage showing vehicles colliding (or showing an at-fault driver doing something irresponsible like texting and driving)
- Witness testimony supporting your account of the truck accident
- Expert testimony and reconstructions of the accident
- Statements from parties involved in the accident
- Evidence from the trucking company, such as black-box data showing the truck was speeding at the time of the accident
Your attorney will maximize the evidence available as they fight for you.
Documenting and Calculating Each of Your Damages
Your attorney will gather all relevant medical records and bills, expert testimony, financial statements, and other evidence of your damages. They will calculate the cost of each damage to arrive at your case value.
Fighting for a Fair Settlement
The majority of claims and lawsuits are settled out of court. Your attorney may present a convincing case that prompts at-fault parties (or liable insurers) to offer fair compensation.
Representing You in Any Necessary Lawsuit and Trial
If you and your lawyer elect to take the legal route, trust your attorney to take it the distance. If you need to sue, go to court, or engage in any other legal measures, you’ll know your attorney is capable of taking those steps.
Those Hit by Trucks Often Suffer Severe (Economic and Non-Economic) Damages
Traffic accidents are known to cause a wide range of severe injuries. The size and weight of the typical cargo truck mean they tend to cause even more severe injuries than smaller vehicles. This is why truck accident attorneys are familiar with clients facing expensive forms of:

- Medical costs
- Pain and suffering (which can include physical pain, PTSD, lost quality of life, and many other types of non-economic harm)
- Lost income
- Diminished earning capacity
- Vehicle repair costs
- Medical equipment costs
Whenever discussing truck accidents, one must also mention wrongful deaths. This is the worst possible outcome of any accident, and truck collisions are more likely than most to be fatal.
If you have lost a loved one, don’t wait to reach out to an attorney. In this immensely challenging time, a lawyer will fight for you and any other loved ones affected by your loss.
The Sooner You Hire a Lawyer, the Sooner You Can Focus on Healing—Start Calling Law Firms Today
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a truck accident do not hesitate to call a personal injury attorney in Chandler. Law firms offer free consultations. Simply call and ask your questions, and hear the law firm out. There is no cost. There is also no obligation to hire any firm you call, so don’t wait.